October PA Supreme Court Argument

I had the privilege of arguing before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court this week in Public Utility Commission/Energy Transfer vs. Eric Friedman.

This is a RTKL case that requires the Court to examine the Office of Open Records' authority to act when the Confidential Security Information Disclosure Protection Act and disclosure provision of the Public Utility Code are also potentially implicated. I argued on behalf of RTK Requester Eric Friedman that the OOR can and properly did make a determination that the CSI Act did not apply, and that the records he requested are public.

After so much preparation - briefing, moot court, making the arguments to myself on every morning run for the last month, practicing in front of my cat - it was exciting to go to Pittsburgh and actually appear in court!

The audio is available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkCzYtvSU2U&t=4385s


RTKL Request: Bike Lane Edition


Tips and best practices for RTKL requests for e-mails